These parish leadership committees are ways through which Catholic lay people can provide their services to assist our Pastor in leading the parish.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee
The Finance Committee consults with and helps advise the Pastor on financial matters, including the administration and use of the parish property and assets, and the administration of parish operations. They help approve the general parish budget (including capital expense budgets) as well as review annual reports. Our Annual Parish Festival fundraiser, which is held on the first Sunday in August, is monitored, recorded, and approved by the finance committee. Qualifications include being actively involved in the life of the parish community with some financial or legal background. All pastors in the Catholic Church are required by Canon Law to appoint a finance council. The finance committee meets every quarter. Current members of the finance committee are Nancy Brauer, Roger Dore, Anita Kittel, Joan Kokx, Bill Slater, and Bobbi Stratton.
Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council is a community of servant leaders which shares its wisdom and offers its consultation in discerning with the pastor, through prayer and study, how the parish can best meet the pastoral and spiritual needs of the members of the community and the neighborhood.
The Pastoral Council is a consultative body. It uses a consensus process of deliberation. The fruits of this shared wisdom and discernment are recommended to the pastor who presides over the Council and whose responsibility for the parish is respected. The council operates in accord with the guidelines of the diocese of Grand Rapids governing Pastoral Councils.
The Pastoral Council is the visioning and planning body for the pastoral and spiritual concerns of the parish. It strives to identify the needs of the parish, studies and reflects upon those needs, makes recommendations and plans as to how those needs can be met, and evaluates the ministerial efforts of the parish.
The members of the Pastoral Council reflect the entire body of the community and act as the voice of that community. They also model to the parish ways in which that community can be strengthened through prayer, sharing, communication, and respect for one another.
Current Pastoral Council Members: Jane Balcom (STM), Roger Dore (STM), Suzanne LaMourie (STM), Joseph Rexroat (ALLS), Mark Robinson (ALLS), Dawn Soules (CTK), and Gary Watkins (ALLS).
St. Mary’s Altar Society
St. Mary’s Altar Society of St. Michael’s Parish
Our Altar Society acts through its membership to support and educate our Catholic women in spirituality and service. It is the intent that any monies received from our different projects generating income such as raffles, bake sales, rummage sales and donations, etc. will be used for the needs of the Church and supporting our Parish seminarians, paying Deanery, Diocesan and National dues and supporting Right To Life, etc. with donations and provide funeral luncheons and community service when needed. The Altar Society meets the second Tuesday of the month at 10:00 am after Mass & Fellowship. Women of all ages are encouraged and welcomed to attend.
Social Committee
The Social Committee
We are currently looking for volunteers to plan, schedule, and implement events for the parish family. The social committee is responsible for creating a welcoming place for parishioners and visitors, a time and place to interact and enjoy each other’s company getting to know each and every member of our faith community.